Let's actually use it and check it

It's safe. I have been using it for two and a half years and have never had any trouble

Nothing beats simply trying out the coin for yourself and see how it works. Download the BSV wallet HandCash from the play store, and you can immediately send Bitcoin to your friends, instantly, through a handle system.

So instead of cumbersome 26 digit addresses, the BSV people has developed an overlay protocol for handles.

Like $Sephiroth, $Alice or $Harambe69. This is now your BSV address. Extremely normie friendly, easy to use, fast and cheap transactions. Literally P2P digital cash

❶Check 20 people registered in HandCash

❷Enter the amount


❹Waiting time is 2 seconds even for 20 people at the same time

❺After 2 seconds, all 20 people will receive $ 0.01 each