davidrobinsoncreative posted: " Before we went to sleep last night we took Dogga to the car and sat in the air conditioning for half an hour. He needed a break from the heat and humidity. We needed it, too. I've been working in the basement. It's been so humid that my fingers st"
Before we went to sleep last night we took Dogga to the car and sat in the air conditioning for half an hour. He needed a break from the heat and humidity. We needed it, too.
I've been working in the basement. It's been so humid that my fingers stick to the track pad on my computer. On a Zoom call I was sharing a screen and Skip said-more-than-asked, "What are you doing!" I can be clumsy and inept without sticky fingers and sweat running into my eyes so it must have been a riot trying to follow my staccato presentation. And, let's not talk about diminished brain function in heavy air and intense heat. My synapses fire in slow motion, if at all.
Sometime in the night the air cooled. We knew it was coming. Our conversations have been about holding on until Thursday night. "It's going to break," we promised each other. "It's going to break," we'd tell the dog.
On Monday, in the midst of yet-another-down pour, with water gushing up from the floor drains in the basement, ankle deep in water with shop vacs humming, running buckets of water up the stairs and out into the rain, Kerri stopped and said, "I think we're handling this pretty well."
It's going to break. We are handling it pretty well. "Arranging the furniture in our mind," as we read this morning, "to create a space of happiness." Yes. Expect it. Create it. The water is up to our ankles so we might as well splash and have some fun.
Our wet humid world has exploded in tones of green. The grasses grow by the minute. The weeds, too.
That morning someday, full of hope in our expectation. Today, full of hope, because it is our expectation.
Sitting in the car last night, on "errands" to nowhere, the car idling, we were finally cool. DogDog walked slow circles in the back and then poked his head between the seats for a pet. "I'm not sure it gets any better than this," I thought but did not say.
Sometime in the night, the air cooled. We knew it was coming.
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