Dear Dating Bitch - Help I'm getting bored and want more excitement in my relationship.

Hey friends! Welcome back to another edition of my online agony aunt segment, Dear Dating Bitch, where I answer your questions about love, dating, and relationships.

And now, here's the advice for this week!

*Note: questions may have been edited for length/clarity.

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Q: My partner and I have been together for a long time and I feel like our spark is dying because of it. What can I do to make the relationship more exciting?

- Craving Excitement in the Relationship

Dear Craving Excitement in the Relationship:

I wish you'd given me a bit more background information, such as your age (and your partners) and what exactly you mean when you say that your "spark is dying." Do you feel like you no longer have romantic or loving feelings towards him? Or, are you feeling as though there's been a decline in sex/excitement/infatuation?

Given the way that you've phrased your question, I'm going to assume it's the latter and answer accordingly.

First, off, it's entirely natural (and, honestly, healthy) for the excitement to dim a little as a relationship goes on. Think about the beginning stages of a new romance - there's so much emotion and adrenaline (is he going to call me back? Oh my god, we have another date on Saturday, what will I wear? When should I introduce him to my friends and family?) and as fun as that is, it can't possibly continue indefinitely. God, how exhausting would it be if it did!?

Relationships go through phases and that early-stage infatuation eventually gives way to something akin to contentment: people are more comfortable with their partners' and the relationship, and that can sometimes feel boring. Especially for those who are younger, when there's an intense longing for the rush of excitement.

My advice is to talk with your partner about this.

It's likely that they might get (understandably) upset or defensive, so it'll be helpful to go into this conversation prepared. Make sure you're calm and that you approach them from the mindset of "I want to improve our relationship and our connection," rather than, "You're boring me and I want more excitement in the relationship."

Think about what it is that you want more of in your relationship. Are you wanting more physical affection? More sex? Do you want more romance? To go on more date nights? Is your partner different than they were early on (i.e. - more introverted or less willing to go on adventures?)

Tell your partner specifically what it is that you're wanting from them and offer suggestions of what would help. There are a ton of things you could suggest to spice things up - go on a vacation together, try a new experience (skydiving, axe throwing, indoor climbing), learn something new together (take a painting class or dance lessons) or introduce something new in the bedroom (lingerie is an easy thing to add.)

If you're not wanting to spend a lot of money, check out these 17 at-home date ideas. If you're a Dating Bitch member, I also have a few printables in my Freebies Library for couples and doing an activity like that could help increase your intimacy.

And then see if they have any ideas or suggestions of their own.

Good luck!

Q: Should I avoid going to places where I might run into my ex?

- Is our favorite bar now off limits?

Dear Is Our Favorite Bar Now Off Limits:

This is an interesting question - my initial, gut-reaction response was to say No, don't change your own life to accommodate someone who hurt you.

But, on the other hand, you also shouldn't continue going to your weekly trivia night where you know your ex will be at just to prove a point. In other, words, it's going to have to be a judgement call on a case-by-case basis.

If there's a specific place or event he'll for sure be at (like a bar he goes to every Wednesday or a mutual friend's game night), go ahead and avoid it. If it's just a bar that he likes or a restaurant close to his house, there's no need to steer clear. Unless you live in a crazily small town, it's not super likely that you'll run into him at your local BBQ joint, but on the off chance that you do, smile and say a polite hello before continuing on with your business.

Q: I want to try a new sexual position, but I'm scared of how he might react. What do I do?

- Wanting Sexual Excitement

Dear Wanting Sexual Excitement:

Ask him! I'm not sure why you're nervous about this (what kind of 'scary' new position are you wanting to introduce?!) but don't be. Take a deep breath, adopt a calm, seductive demeanor, and then say to him, "Hey, there's this position I thought it could be fun for us to try."

I'm almost certain he'll reply by saying, "Oh, tell me more," and, whether he too wants to try this new position or not, opening up about your desires will likely bring the two of you closer together.

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That's all the advice I have for this week! Tune in next time for more opinions from an honest bitch.

Do you agree with my advice? Do you have any of your own tips on how to create more excitement in the relationship? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!

Dear Dating Bitch - How Can I create more excitement in my relationship pin