WitchCorabell posted: " Let's start at the beginning where we know nothing but are ready to grow. So welcome to August Coven Cats! We are diving into the Major Arcana this month. I can't wait to learn with you as we go through this beautiful Welcome to Night Vale deck toge"
So welcome to August Coven Cats! We are diving into the Major Arcana this month. I can't wait to learn with you as we go through this beautiful Welcome to Night Vale deck together gathering arcane knowledge along the way. The Major Arcana has 22 cards in total and each will get a chance to shine in it's own blog this month! I will be giving basic meanings associated with the card from traditional Rider Waite interpretations.
I will go over a basic interpretation of the card in general and then the specific upright and reversed meanings. I'm highly unsure how much content per blog this will produce but I'm gonna try to give my thoughts on each card too. I plan to in later blogs go over basic tarot layouts and how I feel what my cards want me to know. I hope this helps moving forward with this month's blogs.
The basic meaning of The Fool is that it represents new beginnings, faith in the future, being a novice, not knowing what to expect, having beginner's luck, improvisation and believing in the universe.
Cards are meant to have an upright and reversed meaning so I will separate those here.
When I pull the fool I think of someone setting our on a new task or journey. I think of an empty mind that is ready to fill or one that desires to learn. Novices, beginners, and idealistic people who can't see the forest through the trees... Somebody who is closed minded or just doesn't admit they know nothing.
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